Translation and Interpreting in 200+ Languages
hospital patient

The Meaning of Patient Care

April 27, 2016 -By: -In: Medical Device Translation - Comments Off on The Meaning of Patient Care

Professional translation is content neutral, but not so translators’ hearts. We happily translate whatever crosses our company’s threshold, and we take pride in our service to all, in the quality of our deliverable, in the quality of our service and in the pleasures of the friendships and friendly associations we enjoy with customers and vendors new and old. But personally, I like health care best. Especially when we work directly with LEP (limited English proficient) patients in the midst of their trials. I feel as if our work is of more consequence when we can touch the lives of people in crisis and ease their path as they journey across the terrifying landscape of illness.

Especially cancer, killer of my family, writ in my genes. I love to think that in some small way our efforts allow us to join that fight and to spare other families the hopelessness and despair of this dreaded disease.

Whatever our motivations, the big payoff in this trade is the joy of service to those in need.

I was reminded of this by an old YouTube video I just discovered. Four minutes on the ward from Cleveland Clinic. I invite you, particularly professional health caregivers, to take a few moments to reflect on the experiences of those we seek to help through our work and why we do what we do. We have all walked this path and watched others walk it too. See if you can watch this one without a tear. Actually, tears encouraged. Fight the good fight.